Mrs. Curtis' Math Class Webpage

Click on the drop down arrow to the right for the 6th Grade Math GRADING POLICY----->
Students grades will be weighted by percentage.
50% Daily Work 50% Tests/Quizzes
*Bellwork completion *SAVVAS Lesson Topic Quizzes
*Interactive Notebook notes participation *SAVVAS Mid-Topic/End-of Topic-Assessments
*Practice work *Microsoft Forms tests
Both parents and students have access to the grading portal in Skyward-the link is obtainable on both the School's webpage across the top bar of the page or here
**WEEKLY REQUIREMENT Participation- Students will receive an additional “TEST” grade of a 100 for completing weekly required time in SAVVAS Successmaker. The requirement is TWO passed practices each week . "Talon Time" is a forty-five minute time frame given to students each day in which they can use that time to complete this SAVVAS Successmaker requirement or they can also complete this weekly SAVVAS Successmaker requirement at home.
How students will be graded for the weekly SAVVAS Successmaker requirement:
*TWO passed practices =100
* One passed practice AND additional minutes towards another practice=75
* One passed practice = 50
*Completing 20-44 minutes without passing =25
*Completing less than 20 minutes in a practice without passing =0
QUIZZES/TESTS- Test grades come from our online math program-SAVVAS. After a lesson that has been taught, a Lesson Quiz will be assigned to the student. Other tests that may be assigned to the students on line would be a Mid-Topic-Assessment or and End-of-Topic Assessment. Students are expected to complete all assigned quizzes in a timely manner during the class time allotted to them. PLENTY of TIME IN CLASS will be given to students to complete the quiz. Students cannot finish a quiz outside of the regular school’s day hours. On rare occasions, with my permission, students may have to use some “R&E” time to finish up an online assessment.
Make-Up work- Please check Skyward weekly to look for missing assignments
Students will only be alotted two weeks from the date that an assignment is made to make up an assignment (each week is 10 points off). It will be the student's responsibility to check his/her grades and look for missing assignments daily in Skyward.
Re-work- Students may rework any written practice assignment that has been returned to them with a grade under an 70. Students will only receive HALF of the original points alotted for those questions. Test grades will not be allowed to be reworked excepton rare occasions I may have conferenced with a student to allow this to happen.
- Students MUST HAVE the original graded paper you are reworking.
- Students should rework the missed questions ON A CLEAN SHEET OF NOTBOOK PAPER.
- One sheet of notebook paper for each assignment reworked.
- Staple this notebook paper with the reworked problems to the back of the original graded assignment.
- Rework must be done within the week that the graded paper was given back to the student. Students will not be allowed to rework all papers, all at the same time near the end of a progress report period.
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Clever brings all K-12 application into one secure portal and provide single sign-on for everyone in the district. Use Clever to access content in Kiddom!
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Check your grades/attendance regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password.
If you need assistance with your login information, visit or call our attendance office. If you would like to look at the Skyward home portal quick guide for parents,
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You can access your Office 365 account by clicking here, the username and password are the same as your computer login at school. If you need help with how to use different features in your account you can click on this link to download the Office 365 guide.
All RCS students get 5 free downloads of Microsoft Office that can be used on personal devices. You can click on this link to learn more about accessing these downloads.
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All textbooks that have online access will be available through Clever.
MATH textbooks do NOT have online access.