Dismissal Procedures: (changes are in red below)
Students will be dismissed from their classrooms or designated dismissal areas under the supervision of teachers and staff.
Elementary Students:
Bus riders will be dismissed to the buses outside the Elementary Entrance to load from 2:45pm-2:50pm.
Car riders will be dismissed to the Large Cafeteria. Starting at 2:50pm, student names will be called with the number their car will pull up to at the Elementary entrance.
Any Elementary student that will be transported home by a High School driver shall be picked up from the Elementary library and dismissed through the playground doors to the High School parking lot. Elementary students will not be released to middle school siblings (procedures for middle school students with elementary siblings are explained below)
Middle School Students:
Bus riders will be dismissed to the buses outside the Elementary Entrance to load from 2:45pm-2:50pm.
Car riders with an Elementary sibling will be dismissed to the Large Cafeteria. Starting at 2:50pm, student names will be called with the number their car will pull up to at the Elementary Entrance. This is a change. Now, both Elementary and Middle School siblings will be dismissed from the same place and get in their cars together.
All other Middle School car riders will be dismissed out of the New Gym doors to be picked up. This is also a change for the 2023-2024 school year.
High School Students:
Bus riders will be dismissed to the buses outside the Elementary Entrance to load from 2:45pm-2:50pm.
Drivers with an Elementary sibling shall pick up their sibling from the Elementary Library and dismiss through the playground doors to the High School parking lot.
All other High School students will be dismissed out of the New Gym Doors to be picked up or get in their car.